Our favorite activities include:
Driving our Tractors
Talking about Tractors
Riding Tractors in Parades
Tractor Pulls
Meeting new Rusty Friends, with Tractors!

About Us
On behalf of the HCAT & EC Board of Directors,
we would like to welcome you to our website. HCAT & EC
was formed in 1986 to preserve our agricultural heritage.
Throughout the years we have continued to preserve old agricultural machines
so that we can demonstrate their uses to the public.
Our goal is to maintain an environment in which members can unite in
fellowship while providing the generations to come with an
understanding of the past.
The Hill Country Antique Tractor and Engine Club (HCAT&EC) is a
nonprofit organization that strives to preserve old agricultural machines,
to teach future generations about these machines and their use, and to establish and maintain an environment in which members can unite in fellowship, sharing ideas and experiences.